everybody's at the drive-in
Everybody's at the Drive-in is a video of over 200 portraits of people in the
Windham/Willimantic, CT community.
Free portraits were taken of everyone by Willimantic photographer Harrison Judd during End of an Era,
2012, a community-based exhibition of large scale photographs commemorating the demolition of
Willimantic's last remaining smokestack.
In 2013, Judd was awarded a Connecticut Main Street Award for Historic Preservation for his two related community-centered projects, End of an Era & the Portrait Project.
This video was created as a way to share the portraits in public space, and was shown at the
Capitol Arts Theater, Main Street, Willimantic in 2013,
and again on the big screen at our local drive-in theater on Memorial Day weekend, 2014.
The sound track, Karla Bonoff's song, "Home" was created by area musicians
Jack Collins, June Bisantz, Jan Jungden, Mark Davis and Jim Mercik.
portrait photography, Harrison Judd • video creation June Bisantz
special thanks to the Capitol Arts Theater and Michael Jungden, the Mansfield Drive-in
for supporting the public screening of this video,
and to Karla Bonoff & Jess S .Morgan & Company, Inc. for generously granting the rights to "Home"
Visual Art | Public Art