In 2011, the Willimantic Screen Project presented "Love in a Cold Climate", an exhibition in public space about art, love and winter, inspired by Nancy Mitford's novel of the same name.
Video, images and animations were projected on building facades and strorefronts in 5 outdoor locations on Main St., Willimantic, CT
from 6pm -12am, February 11- 21
The Screen Project was organized and produced by artists June Bisantz and Harrison Judd.
Works by: Holly Anderson, Caroline Beasley-Baker, Sue Berg, June Bisantz, Sev Coursen, Harrison Judd, Flash Rosenberg, Rachel Siporin & the Eastern Design Group
Supported by a Connecticut State University System Research Grant in partnership with the Town of Windham, Thread City Development, Inc.,
EastCONN's Capitol Theater, the Willimantic Public Lirary, Cafemantic, Meehan & Daughter's Real Estate, Attorney Joan Sinder, Dean Roy and Richard Nassiff
The Willimantic Screen Project is a global partner of the